My journey to NAAEE conference starts from here 「開端」

I have arranged my first day (Oct 10) at Spokane as joining the EE research symposium in the morning and with HHMI citizen science workshop in the afternoon. Here's what I learnt during this first day morning:


I was really excited to join four different types of the presentations which were keynote, round table, eeHack and workshop. Since in Taiwan, we don't really have roundtable in our conference. I was really happy to know how it works.


1. Keynote Panel: Stories from Research
1. 專題演講:來自研究的故事

Four inspiring panel speakers
These researchers shared their stories with facing difficulties during their research works. The one that inspired me the most is a story about how the speaker started her student research project as studying the value of NTFP (non-timber forest product) with community engagement. They called this project as Participatory Action Research. However, the tribe didn't really want to get involved in this project. They only participate with interviews. Thus, the speaker said that we can't always assume the locals have the willingness to join the research. We need to consider their feeling, too. And re-think how to work to best find the balance between locals and researchers.

A wrap-up reflection is to think what is the challenge in our life and how we overcome it. And always being humble to show that scientists are not always powerful or known-everything. Be humble to face any difficulties and collaborate with others to find solutions. At last, what would be the story that one day we would share to our grandkids? 





2. Round table, topic as "The Interdisciplinarity of EE Research: What Fields are Included?"
2. 圓桌會議 (參與的主題是:跨領域的環境教育研究-包含哪些領域?)

We were doing brainstorming to generate big pictures of Interdisciplinarity of EE research
This is a super complicated mind map.
Round table provides chance for people in the group to speak out different statement and opinions and the moderator integrate all the thoughts into mind map.


I am totally amazed by those people's background which included environmental communication, social media, social psychology, business marketing, decision science, gender studies, etc. These fields mainly include social, economic, psychology and ecology. And all of us were interested in how to enhance learning, communication, social justice and changing behavior.


There is on Phd student from New Zealand with research topic focusing on food education through visual media like clips, films, posters, etc, which is so interesting.
And there is another Phd student has similar background as me (ecology) and trying to focusing on environmental communication and decision making. We had further discussion about her thinking of how to managing different fields and building up bridge between them.


3. Skill Builder - eeHack: Designing and Participating in Collective Experiments to Address EE challenges
3. 透過設計思考處理環教難題

Explaining the process of design thinking

The five steps of today's practice is "Empathize, define, Ideate, Prototype, Test".
Each group had a difficult challenge to deal with and by creatively brainstorming to come up with unexpected result (which might be a good solution).


I like the step as "Ideate", we need to come up with positive solution and begins with "Yes". For example, Yes, we can set up a EE party to get more people involve and recognize this organization. We don't need to think about the realistic situation which can brings out more possibilities which we might never think of.

我喜歡其中一個思考階段叫做“理想化”, 主持人請我們輪流提出正面的解決方案,並以「是的」,作為發表意見的起頭。例如:是的,我們可以透過辦一場環教派對讓更多人參與並更加瞭解這個組織。這個階段的思考不需要煩惱可行性或真實狀況,如此一來,或許可以激盪出從來沒有想到過的好點子!

I did so much brainstorming in the morning which was really exhausting but a lot of fun. I'll put my afternoon experience into another post.


