Using HHMI resource to guide students with ecological concepts 運用HHMI網站資源進行生物課教學

I will share the information and my learning experience about how I learnt through HHMI BioInteractive workshop and the HHMI movie night in this article.


I would like to highly recommend HHMI website for high/middle school teachers to use.

There are abundant ecological educational resources and online ecological open database which can be used for student's science project! The resource on this website is totally free!(So nice to educators!)

首先大大推薦hhmi這個網站,非常適合國高中老師運用!裡頭有非常多生態教育資源,還有公開生物生態資料庫可以讓學生運用在科展或生物課教學上!由於bio interactive是非營利組織,所有資源完全免費使用!!!

However, it might be a little challenge for Taiwan teachers to use due to the language barrier. I suggest teachers who are interested in using this web can collaborate into translation groups to work on the use of resources. The animation films are also good to use and can be more easily understood by the students. (Example: The living fossil


During Wednesday afternoon, I have attended the HHMI citizen science workshop which introduced the method of how to use the online ecological resource with citizen science idea and also how to educate students about the concept of food chain, food web, energy pyramid, habitat destruction in the science/biology class at school.


Two high school teachers took example as Darién National Park's Wild Cam database to guide us how the citizen science project works on the website and how students can learn from it. Darién National Park is world heritage and also an important park as wildlife corridor which links the wildlife habitat between North and South America.

講師選用Darién National Park的教育資源(野外攝影機科學數據)進行工作坊教學引導。首先介紹Darién National Park的背景知識,以及其地理位置的特殊性(世界遺址,也是連結北美洲與南美洲的生物廊道)。

High school teachers introduce HHMI resource
On the website, there are wildlife identification software with guideline that students can follow with. Teachers can first introduce students the wildlife information in this park, then let students use the software to recognize the wildlife on the photos captured by wildlife camera.


wildlife photos look like this on the website (source: WildCam Lab)
Citizen science project with identification keys for wildlife camera photos  (source: WildCam Lab)

I have asked a question which is, what if people identify wildlife in the photo as wrong animal? The lecturer said that the database will identify the species through large data collection and decide the species name with highest frequent key words. For example, A said it was deer; B said it was deer; C said it was cattle; D said it was deer, then the database will identify this species as deer. But when people provide high variety of identification results, this species' identification will hand in to expert to do the professional identification.


Later on, lecturers also guide us steps by steps to think and realize that during the identification process, we might notice that, we can easily find deer in the photos instead of finding many jaguars. Why? Then, step into the teaching of energy pyramid (10% rule), food chain, food web and habitat destruction.


We are provided with the wildlife cards with species from Darién National Park (resource can be downloaded on website). The cards can be used for learning concepts about food chain, food web and habitat destruction.


Using wildlife cards to form food web

The lecturers not only introduced the concept of food web (like we normally did in class), they also put human impacts (habitat destruction, hunting, agriculture, etc) into consideration and encouraged  students to think about the consequences. Students need to come up with the idea like what happens if jaguar population disappears due to hunting? What happens to other animal populations?


In the last section, we learnt how to use data to do pivot table. The database on WildCam Lab is perfect for teachers to guide students how to generate a scientific question and how to do data analysis. In the database, different factors (such as habitat types, with/without tourist, season, location, biodiversity, etc) can be chosen which lead to different results and can be discussed in many ways. This is very useful for training students to work on science project during high/middle school.

However, it might not be suitable for elementary students.



To sum up, this is a useful database for high school teachers to use. But it can be difficult for teachers in Taiwan due to the language barrier... I suggest Taiwanese teacher can form a teaching group to work on translation of the information.


hhmi BioInteractvie is a rich educational resource website for educators 
At Thursday movie night (with beverage and all kinds of cheese), we watched a HHMI film: How Lizards Find Their Way Home.

The ecologist has been invited to be the keynote speaker and shares his field work experience.
Everyone was so interested in the film and popped up with so many interesting questions, such as "Would navigation be related to the competition for habitat?","What if the lizard never leaves its tree, then why does it need navigation skill?". There is also other researcher who shared experience as tracking leopards. Someone also mentioned to be careful  not to leave human's trace which might be
interference to lizards to find their way back home.

星期四晚上的生態電影之夜(附上飲料跟各種cheese all you can eat)。大會介紹HHMI小影片:波多黎各變色蜥如何找到回家的路(How Lizards Find Their Way Home)


Since in Taiwan we have invasive anole lizard issue, I would recommend to learn more about anole lizard behavior and ecology through this film to have further understanding!


Scientist's sharing of field work is inspiring.
